I can't believe that it has been 2 years since I blogged regularly. For a long time I did it as a way to remember all the things that I knew I would forget, then I did it as a way to get "noticed" because who doesn't want to be internet famous?!?!?!
I'm not sure who is still reading this little corner of the world, but I figured I'd give an update as to what has gone in on the last 2 years.
The last time I wrote I was living super close to the bay (hence the name), I was working at a crane rental company and struggling with where God had me. In November of 2016, I was offered a job at a private school downtown and I thought surly with all the other jobs I've been passed over for this is where God needs me. In a way, it was because I had only been there a few weeks when my grandpa had hip surgery and things just weren't "right", I was able to leave work and go be with him at my old job I wouldn't have been able to do that.
In February 2017, I got notice that the school would be closing (and in that moment I thought "well this is not looking good for the home team"), even though I was told I would have a job, I started looking because I didn't know what else to do. Around this same time my grandpa had a car accident and again my job let me leave to go be with him, looking back now I can see that God placed me there so that I would be able to go spend time with my family.
And after many interviews and a lot of "no's", God placed me exactly where I needed to be and this time I just trusted Him and let Him handle it all. In July of 2017, I started my current job. Where I am now is strictly because of Him, my co-workers are amazing and we get along so well, we work hard and play even harder. Though, I missed what I thought was my dream job, I know now why I went through all that I did.
I also met a family that would have the largest impact on my life to date, they have taught me what it looks like to trust solely on Him, they have taught me how to get past hard things, how to do brave things, how to burn the lies, they believe in me when I don't believe in myself. And I know that if I weren't in the job that I am now, doors that have started to open never would have.
I think the largest change in my life, is my relationship with Jesus, it isn't always easy, but I have learned to lean into Him, to trust Him, I have started going to bible study and the community I have found there is exactly what my soul was needing. The journey has been so rewarding, I have always known Jesus, but in these last few months I have FOUND Him and my goodness was my soul needing that as well!

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