The Soul Restoration, changed my life. I realized that it doesn't matter the age of the people around you or the experiences common ground can be anywhere!
I was the youngest camper there and even though some of the ladies were old enough to be my mom (literally, ladies), I haven't felt that connected with someone I just met in, I don't know ever?!?!? I learned so much about myself and why I am the way that I am, I learned that boundaries are the only way to handle certain relationships.
I learned to just sit and listen to those that are hurting just like I am. I learned to trust the process, I learned to cry harder. I learned that I am thankful for the tools that I have to change the course of my life. To be better equipped to handle the enemy, I can do better and be better!!
For the first time, in a long time I felt welcomed, loved, and like I belonged!

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