The past few years since my last post (literally years..) my life has changed in ways I can't even begin to explain. I have had 2 new jobs, moved cities, and met people that would forever change the course of my life.
One of those ladies has a podcast The Brave Collective, on one of the episodes they discussed "self-respect" and over the past few months I've asked myself A LOT "Does this look like self-respect?" If it didn't I tried very hard to let it go. I won't lie and say it has been the easiest thing to do, because sometimes when it no longer looks like self-respect that means it looks like being single again, finding a part time job, finding a new job, finding a new place to live whatever the case may be, it isn't always unicorns and rainbows.
Last night while driving to bible study, I sent someone a text asking if they had time to "squeeze me in" literally, those were my words. And in that moment, I asked myself "WHERE IN THE F&C* IS MY SELF-RESPECT IN THIS!?!?!?!?" And y'all I was ashamed of myself, ashamed that I wasn't being brave and ashamed that I was begging this person to make some time for me. I knew that, that was NOT self-respect and that God has things lined up for me, that I'm not going to have to beg for.
Self-respect is a hard one, it isn't always a bubble bath and wine (thou those are some of my favorite things!), sometimes it's about not chasing the things that we know won't be good for us, it's about having a hard conversation with someone we care about, it's about showing up for that friend when you are totally exhausted and just want to climb in bed. Sometimes self-respect is saying no to toxic people regardless of who they are in your life.
What is self-respect in your life?!?!?!

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