So yes I realize this post is a little late in the year or I'm way ahead however you want to look at it.
I have been evaluating my life lately and I'm just not happy with myself or where I am. Granted there are some things that I can't change, however there are a lot that I can change.
1. Drink more water: yes I know that sounds silly, but I hate drinking water and I typically will go all day without drinking anything except for whatever it is I took my medicine with that morning. This week however I have drank 3 gallons of water. One Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and am currently working on mine for today.
2. Exercise more: There was a time that I would run 4 or 5 miles just for the heck of it, now I can hardly run 1 without stopping. This week I ran a little over 1 mile on Monday and 2 yesterday. I plan on running again tomorrow. With the awful blisters I get it is super hard for me to run everyday so every other will work for now. I go at lunch because I only get 30 mins and I don't have anyone to go to lunch with and I normally just sit at my desk and end up working. So why not go run.
3. Read my Bible more: At one point I was reading my Bible every single night before bed one chapter out of a book a night, and I was a much happier person. I guess my excuse has been that I stubbed my big toe because really I don't have one for not doing it more often. The last few morning I have woken up way before my alarm and instead of looking at Facebook I have been reading the Bible. My days seem to go a lot better/
4. Pay off debt: While in college I didn't make the most money and getting bills paid and caught up was a hassle. Now with a more steady income I am finally able to get caught up, I mentioned earlier this week about picking up a part time job and I am excited to start so that I can continue to pay things off. Then put all my energy into those evils student loans for the next 360 months (feel the air leave as I get punched in the gut) and saving some money.
5. Be thankful for this season: It is so hard for me to just be content with where God has me and I am going to really start working on focusing on all the things I do have in my life as opposed to all the things I don't have. I am thankful I have a job, thankful my car still runs, thankful that I have my family and friends, thankful for my health, and thankful for the bad days because it makes the good days so much sweeter. :)

Girl, I feel like you are speaking right to me. Can I join you in these changes you're making? I have been skipping the water on the daily and only using it to wash down any pills I take that day. And exercise...yeah I've slacked off on that since I got sick and just haven't gotten back to it yet because it's hard (which you know). Ugh...just all of it. I'm joining you in it all! You got this!
ReplyDeleteWell we basically have the exact same changes to make! I really need to start reading my bible more! i hate how its like a dollar coaster! There are times when I do such a great job and other times i really slack! I also need to drink more water! UGHHH its so hard!? I really really want hit that goal! So glad I found your blog!!